Today, the men and women of your Los Angeles Fire Department proudly celebrate the 125th Anniversary of our agency. Regarding the year of our founding, former LAFD Chief Engineer William L. Miller once noted...

"The year 1886 - was a period of great advancement for the City of Los Angeles. Los Angeles had been an incorporated city under laws of the State of California for 36 years. It had a population of some 35,000, with three good hotels, 27 churches, an adequate number of saloons and 350 telephone subscribers...

...the City Fathers determined that it was high time to have an organized and paid Fire Department to replace, in part, the volunteer fire companies that had served on an intermittent basis since 1869, with apparatus provided principally by public subscriptions ..."

Though much has changed in Los Angeles since, the devotion and commitment of your Los Angeles Firefighters remains inspired by those who have proudly protected our City for the past 125 years.

We encourage you to join LAFD members past and present throughout the coming year, as we celebrate the quasquicentennial of our agency. For more information - including some facts that may surprise you, we encourage you to visit:


Submitted by Brian Humphrey, Spokesman
Los Angeles Fire Department
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