Spring Forward and Check Your Carbon Monoxide and Smoke AlarmsMany are surprised to learn that the Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery!® campaign for carbon monoxide and smoke alarms is only a once-per-year event, officially taking place at the return to Standard Time each Fall.

What about Daylight Saving Time this Sunday, March 13, 2011?

Regardless of the season, firefighters perpetually emphasize:
  • Test every carbon monoxide and smoke alarm in your home at least once each month.
  • Change the batteries for these alarms at least once each year.
If you haven't tested your alarms within the past 4 weeks, test them now. If you haven't replaced the batteries within the past 12 months, do it today!

But wait, there's more...

Along with a reminder to test every smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector in your home, there are three important facts you need to know:
Oh, and don't forget to set your clock ahead one hour!

Submitted by Brian Humphrey, Spokesman
Los Angeles Fire Department
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