Twenty-eight Los Angeles Fire Department personnel - including an LAFD Hazardous Materials Squad, under the command of Battalion Chief Raymundo Gomez, were summoned at 6:52 P.M. to the Yusen Terminal at 701 East New Dock Street on Terminal Island.
The worker, who complained of a headache and general malaise, told first-arriving LAFD Paramedics that his symptoms commenced immediately after noting a substance on the ground near a sealed 20' cargo container.
Though no evacuations were necessary, harbor-area protocol brought the interagency response of personnel from the Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles Port Police, Long Beach Fire Department, U.S. Coast Guard and L.A. County Fire Department Health Hazardous Materials Division.
LAFD Hazmat experts opened the locked cargo container to find it half-filled with 55-gallon drums containing Hydrogen Peroxide. Following a methodical investigation of nearly two and a half-hours, they determined that the freight was intact, and that pint of 'resin-like' liquid seen on the ground was not associated with the suspect container and of no escalating hazard.
The ill dock worker was taken by LAFD ambulance in good condition to the Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center in San Pedro for further evaluation, as a private on-site cleanup firm removed the yet-identified substance under the guidance of health officials.
Dispatched Units: E40 RA36 E48 T48 E248 SQ48 RA848 BC6 EM6 RA112
Submitted by Brian Humphrey, Spokesman
Los Angeles Fire Department