“A professional nurse, with special knowledge and skills, and a client in need of nursing, with knowledge of self and perception of personal problems, meet as strangers in natural environment. They interact mutually, identify problems, establish and achieve goals”--Imogene King.
Know more about her and the Goal Attainment Theory....
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Created by:
Group B "The Achievers"
- April Jane Villanueva
- Arbern Lim
- Armie Maria Rodriguez
- Arvie Arrieta
- Bai Raiza Yvonne Mondia
- Bernardita Laus
- Brigitte Villaverde
- Bryan Icban
- Caren Aimee Gementera
- Carla Jane Manalili
- Cecilia Sandoval
- Charitess Tiaga
- Charlton Salonga
- Charmaine Mendiola
- Charo Adame
- Cherry Anne Lagunzad
- Christine Anne Gaviola
- Christine Manialung
- Christopher Banzuela
- Christopher Cabanilla
- Christopher John Leano
- Leah Bernardo
- Shameen Mohamad