Some are surprised to learn that the LAFD was personally involved in the immediate rescue efforts after the World Trade Center disaster. More than 100 of our members were dispatched to New York as a part of our FEMA response team and formed a strong bond with New York Firefighters as they worked hand-in-hand for over two weeks. Our training center was awarded the honor of hosting this anual event. We are proud to display an impressive monument to the 9/11 disaster; a 28 foot tall, 23 ton, trident shaped piece of the World Trade Center’s South Tower, ensures that we in fact, “NEVER FORGET.”
Please join us on Friday September 10th, at Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center located at 1700 Stadium Way – Los Angeles, 90012 from the hours of 9:00 am to 10:30 am.
Submitted by Erik Scott, Spokesman
Los Angeles Fire Department