The men and women of the Los Angeles Fire Department join generations of Los Angeles residents in offering our best wishes to legendary television journalist and LAFD friend Stan Chambers, who has announced his retirement after more than six decades of television news reporting.

The pioneering newsman, who spent his entire career at KTLA-TV, chose today - his 87th birthday, to make the announcement...


During the past 63 years, no reporter has gotten closer to the action, the truth - and the meaning of local stories than Stan Chambers.

We thank you Stan, for your many decades alongside us during firestorms, floods and disasters. It has been a profound honor for us to witness and be inspired by your work. Please enjoy a well earned retirement with our best wishes.

On August 19, 2010, Los Angeles Fire Chief Millage Peaks and City Councilmember Tom LaBonge honored Mr. Chambers with a luncheon at Fire Station 27 in Hollywood, followed by the ceremonial presentation of an Honorary Fire Chief's helmet and plaque at the adjacent LAFD Museum & Fallen Firefighter Memorial.

Submitted by Brian Humphrey, Spokesman
Los Angeles Fire Department
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