Ionization smoke alarms are sensitive to small smoke particles in the air, produced by fast-burning fires. Photoelectric smoke alarms use beams of light and sensors to detect larger smoke particles produced by smoldering fires.
The Los Angeles Fire Department and U.S. Fire Administration recommend dual-sensor alarms that function as both.
Since a working smoke alarm can save your life, it's important to test every smoke alarm in your home monthly by activating the test button. Change the batteries in all of your smoke alarms at least once a year, perhaps when you change your clocks for Daylight Saving Time.
And finally, your smoke alarms work every minute of every day. After millions of sensing cycles, they can become less sensitive. It is important to replace any smoke alarm in your home that is more than 10 years old.
For further information, visit:
Submitted by Brian Humphrey, Spokesman
Los Angeles Fire Department